
Nina Harris

Nina Harris is 18 years old lives in Noble Park. She takes great pleasure in writing, performing and travelling, whether it be flying to a different country or a road trip over the weekend. Her dream is to become an actor, although she’s still passionate about volunteer work and has ambitions to volunteer in Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) as a nurse.
Nina loves SeaACT because it provides her with a format to be able to express herself creatively, which is a rarity in itself around the area that she lives in, and to hone her skills as an actor and share her stories and passion with people with common interests.

Wednesday 14, Thursday 15 and Friday 16 June, 2017, 7pm

Free (bookings essential)

Book tickets

Walker Street Gallery and Arts Centre
Crn Walker and Robinson St, Dandenong VIC 3175